“It is the nature of the mind that makes individuals kin, and the differences in the shape, form or manner of the material atoms out of whose intricate relationships that mind is built are altogether trivial.” — Isaac Asimov

A frame is a powerful concept. The term might be used regarding a frame of reference, a conceptual framework, or a structure composed of parts. A frame might enclose a work of art or represent the boundaries of an idea or discussion. We might speak of re-framing a contentious or controversial subject.

Our own intelligence uses frames as one of its most fundamental functions and the field of artificial intelligence has had to take pains with what we take for granted every time we interact with the world – what will change as a result of an action and what will not. Neither form of intelligence is immune to the influence of frames that affect beliefs, assumptions, and expectations.

Again, to help with imagining the characters, I have included my own “casting” using well-known actors. The casting is not based on their respective bodies of work or anything to do with their personal lives, but purely on their physical appearance which I found useful during the writing process but subsequently grew attached to.

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— November, 2023

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